Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Prompt 9: Water By The Spoonful

So the moment that I chose is scene 8 in the play particularly the later half where Yaz and Elliot go into Odessa's house to get her computer to pawn it. So basically in this scene Yaz and Elliot show up at Odessa's home to pawn her computer for money for the funeral. When they get there Elliot logs onto Odessa's website using her username and password. He goes into the chatroom as Haikumom where he starts questioning Orangutan about cocaine. She however realizes that it's not actually Odessa and Yaz reveals that it's actually her son. Organgutan knows him from his Colgate ad and from a story that Odessa shared online about him. Elliot gets angered by the fact this story has been shared with the world and rips out the computer and keyboard. 

What is interesting about this moment is perspective of the real world taking in the online world. Like how we talked in class today about how a message can have different meanings since you can't hear the inflections in peoples voices so you don't know if they're being sincere or sarcastic. Elliot is asking seriously about how crack feels to a person since he's well aware of Odessa's problem, but Orangutan takes it as a joke. When Elliot persists about it she gets freaked out and wants him to leave. This is a moment of how words can be misjudged, as I just explained. The play centers around characters recovering from an addiction, whether it's pain medication or cocaine; Addiction and recovery are often misunderstood just how the conversations between the real world and online world can become jumbled. Hudes wants to show that relationships different between online and reality which is why she has these intersecting moments of the two realities.

Dang. It's hard to do that without going towards the audience or saying 'I think' or something like that. Hope this made sense!

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